Browsing: investing in Africa

Private capital
  • Private capital emerges as a pivotal force in unlocking Africa’s economic growth potential.
  • Partnerships between governments, private investors, and multilateral institutions are instrumental in mobilising capital for large-scale projects.
  • The government must create an enabling environment for the private sector to thrive and establish policy frameworks to favour private ventures.

Private capital emerges as a pivotal force in unlocking Africa’s economic growth potential. Investing in Africa will address pressing development needs and present lucrative opportunities for investors. Following the projected population growth in the continent, the demand for infrastructure, food, and services will soar, creating a vast market for investors to tap into. Moreover, Africa hosts abundant natural resources, offering attractive prospects for energy, mining, and agriculture industries.

As Africa continues on its path to economic stability and development, the critical need for financing becomes increasingly apparent. From transportation networks to energy systems, the continent is ripe with opportunities

Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa

Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa

  • The African Development Bank’s Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) initiative aims to close the $42 billion financing gap faced by women entrepreneurs, demonstrating that investing in women fosters gender-inclusive economic growth.
  • By securing over $1.5 billion in investments for women-led SMEs and providing gender-smart banking training, AFAWA is changing financial institutions’ perceptions and practices, demonstrating the viability and profitability of supporting women entrepreneurs.
  • AFAWA’s partnerships and educational programs build a more inclusive financial ecosystem, showcasing the initiative’s commitment to empowering women entrepreneurs and driving sustainable, inclusive economic development across Africa.

The African Development Bank’s Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) aims to invest in women and close the significant financing gap they face. Women entrepreneurs in Africa confront a daunting $42 billion disparity in financing compared to their male counterparts, largely due to misconceptions about their creditworthiness and a lack of collateral. Despite these challenges, …

Kenya's real estate investment
  • Kenya’s real estate investment requires obtaining the necessary financing to achieve success.
  • Exploring various financing options and establishing strong relationships with banks or financial institutions is crucial.
  • Developing effective exit strategies and focusing on long-term appreciation is vital for real estate investment success in Kenya.

Financing options for Kenya’s real estate investment

In Kenya’s real estate investment, obtaining the necessary financing is crucial to success. Fortunately, several financing options are available for Kenyan real estate market investors. Understanding these options can help you make informed decisions and secure the funds needed for your investment endeavors.

Mortgage Loans

One of Kenya’s most common financing options for real estate investment is obtaining a mortgage loan. Kenyan banks and financial institutions offer mortgage products specifically tailored for property purchases. These loans typically involve a down payment and offer competitive interest rates and repayment terms. Evaluating different mortgage options and choosing one that suits …

African Securities Exchanges Association
  • Nairobi, Kenya, will be the site of the highly anticipated Annual Conference of the African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) from November 22nd to 24th, 2023. 
  • The African Securities Exchanges Association has played a pivotal role in moulding Africa’s financial scene.
  • A partnership of financial firms, the African Securities Exchanges Association is a key player in Africa’s economic revival. Its ability to promote inclusive growth, knowledge sharing, and cooperation is crucial.

Nairobi, Kenya, will be the site of the highly anticipated Annual Conference of the African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) from November 22nd to 24th, 2023, drawing the attention of the financial community of Africa. Positioning for Growth: Unlocking Africa’s Stock Exchange Potential for Sustained Economic Development is more than simply a debate topic; it’s a rallying cry for an economic revolution that is about to happen on the African continent.

The African Securities Exchanges Conglomerate (ASEA) has played a pivotal

US-Africa relations

United States officials and politicians have shown much interest and support for renewing the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) as its expiration date approaches in September 2025. The fate of this landmark legislation, which provides duty-free access to the US markets for some African countries, remains uncertain for the next 22 months but has significant implications for trade between the United States and Africa.…

Dubai Ports World
  • Dubai Ports World (DP World), based in the United Arab Emirates, is rapidly expanding its operations across Africa to become a dominant player in the region’s commerce.
  • Establishing a streamlined commerce corridor connecting East Africa and the Great Lakes region is a fundamental plank of DP World’s overall strategy.
  • DP World seeks to regulate and strengthen African trade by tackling the difficulties of logistics and storage with cutting-edge digital solutions.

Dubai Ports World in Africa

As the Africa Continental Free Trade Act ushers in a new era of African trade, a significant participant rises from the Arabian Peninsula. Dubai Ports World (DP World), based in the United Arab Emirates, is rapidly expanding its operations across Africa to become a dominant player in the region’s commerce.

The story’s action begins in one of East Africa’s thriving harbours. The vast potential of the Kenyan ports of Mombasa, Lamu, Kisumu, and Naivasha has …

Africa's financial literacy deficit

Financial knowledge remains paramount in an era in which increasingly complex financial products have become readily available to many. Governments in different countries have put more effort into expanding access to financial services. Consequently, the number of individuals with bank accounts and access to credit products is increasing.

Financial literacy remains crucial to personal and economic empowerment, enabling people to make sound financial choices and manage their finances effectively. Africa suffers from a significant shortage of financial literacy, which hinders its economic growth and development.…

Kenya's textile industry

A recent report has revealed that the ban on second-hand clothing, also known as mitumba, might not enhance Kenya’s textile industry as previously anticipated. The report commissioned by the Mitumba Consortium Association of Kenya (MCAS) on the Second-Hand Clothing Industry in the East Africa Community has cautioned against protectionism towards importing second-hand clothing.…

Switzerland based investment platform– Seedstars Capital and Fondation Botnar have announced the launch of the Seedstars Youth Wellbeing Ventures mandate targeting the African continent.
  • Seedstars Capital represents an alternative investment platform focused on supporting emerging fund managers and investing in technology companies in emerging and frontier markets.
  • Fondation Botnar is a Swiss philanthropic foundation dedicated to improving the health and well-being of young people living in urban areas worldwide.
  • The partnership reflects their shared commitment to fostering positive impact through strategic investment.

Switzerland-based investment platforms– Seedstars Capital and Fondation Botnar have launched the Seedstars Youth Wellbeing Ventures mandate targeting Africa. Consequently, they intend to invest $20 million in early-stage, purpose-driven companies. These companies will help improve the well-being of young people in low- and middle-income countries across the continent.

Seedstars Capital represents an alternative investment platform. The platform supports emerging fund managers and invests in technology companies in emerging and frontier markets. Moreover, Fondation Botnar is a Swiss philanthropic foundation dedicated to improving the health and well-being of young people living in urban areas

crypto mining hub

An efficient crypto mining industry can generate more job opportunities in Africa as the demand for miners, blockchain specialists, and technology specialists increases, . This encourages nations to enhance their energy and technological capacities to support crypto operations. These enhancements can considerably benefit other industries and the economy as a whole.

African nations must embrace the chance to become a crypto mining hub. This can aid in the digital economy’s growth, citizens’ financial standing, and the infrastructure for energy production. Consequently, African governments can invest in cryptocurrencies to acquire alternative funding sources for developing renewable and alternative energy sources.…