Browsing: North Africa

Remittances to Kenya Drop
  • Remittance inflows amounted to $385.9 million in February, compared to $309.2 million in February 2023, an increase of 24.8 per cent.
  • The cumulative inflows for the 12 months to February 2024 totaled $4.33 billion compared to $4.03 billion in a similar period in 2023, an increase of 7.5 per cent.
  • The US remained the largest source of remittances to Kenya, accounting for 54 per cent in February 2024.

Remittances to Kenya continued on a growth trajectory in February, latest Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) data shows, as easing inflation in the United States saw the country maintain its position as the leading source of inflows.

This comes amid a positive projection for the year where World Bank has forecast a 2.5 per cent increase on inflows to Sub-Saharan Africa, with Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya as leading recipients in the continent.

Remittance inflows in Kenya amounted to $385.9 million in February, …

Libya's flood disaster

The eastern Libyan city of Derna has gone into mourning after catastrophic flooding that left about 10,000 people missing. Rescue teams have embarked on recovery efforts for the remains of loved ones as the scale of the disaster unfolds. Media reports say authorities estimate that close to 2,000 people have lost their lives in the Derna area alone.

The Libyan Government of National Unity (GNU) has issued a heartbreaking report stating that the entire road and bridge network in Derna has collapsed. This now calls for an estimated $67 million for reconstruction.…

DRC Congo, Banks in Congo, Cobalt in Congo
  • Central Africa’s economic performance was powered by the DRC, which grew at a jaw-dropping 8.5% in 2022.
  • Central Africa growth rate was higher than the African average, which is estimated at 3.8% in 2022, down from 4.8% in 2021.
  • The region id projected to settle at 4.9% in 2023 and 4.6% in 2024.

Central Africa achieved real GDP growth of 5.0 per cent in 2022 compared with 3.4 per cent in 2021, as the region posted the strongest performance compared to other regions in the continent.

This was in terms of growth, inflation and budget deficit, a new report by the African Development Bank (AfDB) indicates.

Central Africa oil, minerals and commodities’ wealth

The rebound in economic activity was driven by favourable prices for raw materials. Increasingly, Central Africa economies are turning out to be a net exporter of crude oil, minerals and other commodities.

In comparison, the region’s …

African BUsiness Communities

One of the root causes of poverty and vulnerability in North Africa is the decades-old system driving youth and women exclusion in the labour market, a new World Bank report reveals. 

According to the World Bank, most countries in North Africa have been struggling with poverty and vulnerability for decades. Increasingly, work opportunities in the region are getting limited, particularly for women and youth. Across the economies, most workers are engaged in low-productivity informal jobs. 

Safety nets to mitigate youth and women exclusion

The report, Built to Include: Reimagining Social Protection

martin.mwita How Africas 5 key regions will perfomr. A photo of passanger terminal in Lagos. COURTESY
  • East Africa is anticipated to have the highest performance, surpassing other regions.
  • Central Africa is projected to experience growth of 4.7% in 2022, up from 3.6% in 2021.
  • West Africa’s growth fell to 3.6% in 2022, down from 4.4% in 2021. In the medium term, it is anticipated to increase, hitting 4.1% in 2023.
  • In 2022, growth in Southern Africa is projected to continue modest, falling to 2.5% from 4.3% in 2021.

The slowing of Africa’s average growth conceals cross-regional variances, which primarily reflect disparities in the structure of economies, commodity dependency, differential impact of global exogenous shocks, and domestic policy responses to buffer the impact of these shocks.

According to the new biannual publication of the African Development Bank Group, Africa’s Macroeconomic Performance and Forecast, East Africa is anticipated to have the highest performance, surpassing other regions.

This, as economies in the region continue to implement post-Covid-19 epidemic recovery …


The world has in recent months witnessed a dramatic turnabout on the future of nuclear energy, mainly in the developed countries.

This is on the back of the Russia-Ukraine war which has seen post-pandemic energy shortages turn into a full-blown energy crisis.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), nuclear power plants slated for closure across Europe have been given “an 11th hour reprieve.

Japan has announced, after a decade of paralysis, that it plans to restart many of its reactors, which have sat idle since the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi.

France, which had launched plans to reduce its dependence on nuclear energy during President Macron’s first term, reversed course and now, plans to build at least six new reactors and a dozen smaller modular reactors.

The UK on the other hand recently launched an ambitious plan to build eight new reactors and16 small modular reactors.

Even anti-nuclear Germany

hazard 9

The Moroccan government is now shifting focus to developing its south which in other words was neglected development wise.

The south of Morocco, has largely benefitted the country from its number of natural resources which includes Pelagic fish, solar power, and mineral reserves hence the government’s efforts to transform this region will not only improve the living standards of its citizens but also open new business opportunities.

With some of the richest fishing waters in the world, desert and coastal scenery, and opportunities for agricultural development and mining exploration, Morocco’s southern provinces have solid resources on which to base growth.

Phosphate reserve which is found in the southern region produced nearly 2 million tons to the Moroccan economy in 2018 according to Forbes.

The government is on target to transform the region from being resource-based to a wider development framework. The new ambitious development model for Morocco consists of a …


According to a data released on Monday by the Central Bank of Egypt, Egypt’s current account deficit climbed to $7.6 billion in the first half (1H) of the current FY2020/2021 from July to December 2020 up from $4.6 in the same half of FY2019/2020.

This Increase in the current account deficit is associated to the decline in service balance surplus and the increase in the non-oil trade balance


According to CBE, due to the decline in the investment income balance Service balance surplus contracted by 69.9 percent in the 1H of FY2020/21 posted $1.9 billion, down from $6.3 billion in the 1H of FY2019/20.

The decline in Investment income had a larger effect on the Tourism sector with the CBE showing that tourism revenues dropped by 75.3 percent in the 1H of FY2020/21, reaching $1.8 billion.

In April 13 …

North Africa Economic Outlook 2020

North Africa will face an economic contraction forecast between 0.8 and 2.3 per cent in 2020 according to the African Development Bank Economic Outlook 2020 report.

The report noted that the prerequisites for resilience and emerging from the crisis are social inclusion, Socioeconomic stability and human capital development.

According to the report, the services, tourism and industrial sectors which are the main economic contributors in North Africa are likely to be hardest hit by the pandemic.

Due to the pandemic, countries in the region implemented health and budget measures to curb the spread of the virus and protect their populations. This led to an economic slowdown due to disruptions in different sectors which led to large-scale socioeconomic consequences.

Restrictions being lifted in North Africa is raising uncertainty and suggests two distinct recovery scenarios, the first scenario based on a timeline for emerging from the crisis in July 2020 while the …