Browsing: Pesident Samia Suluhu

Tanzania-Korea relations
    • Tanzania, Korea ink USD 2.5bn trade pact, cooperation MoU
    • Tanzania President Samia completes 6-day Korean visit
    • Tanzania earmarks five regions for the ‘Smart City’ project

Tanzania-Korea relations

Tanzania-Korea relations are growing, with the latter securing a $2.5 billion soft loan from the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF).

The loan comes on the heels of Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s state visit to the Republic of Korea.

The Tanzania-Korea loan was subject to criticism surrounding its terms. Still, the government of Tanzania has refuted claims that the loan has a security guarantee clause that may have forced the government to ‘mortgage’ some of the country’s resources.

Chief Government Spokesman Mr. Mobhare Matinyi was forced to elaborate on the loan terms following the ongoing social media buzz about what the spokesperson described as ‘misinformation.’

“The government has not mortgaged anything or any property because this loan does not have any conditions that

truck assembly
  • China has launched a truck assembly plant in Tanzania.
  • At the same time, President Samia has ordered long-stalled coal and iron mines to be revived.
  • Over 1000 persons to be relocated to establish coal and iron mines .

Tanzania has inaugurated a new truck assembly plant to be run by a Chinese company as the country pushes its industrialization agenda. This truck assembly plant has raised talks of power and metal ore supply for companies, and two key mines have resurfaced, the Mchuchuma coal and Liganga iron ore mines.

Known as the Saturn Corporation Limited Company, the truck assembly plant has this May been inaugurated by the country’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

Located in Kigamboni District of the coastal commercial port city of Dar es Salaam, the plant is run by China’s SinoTruk International. The company is renowned for trucks, tippers, tankers and spare parts under the premier brand

  • By 2030, partners of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) aim to cultivate 350,000 hectares of land for profitable production.
  • Using the SAGCOT model, Tanzania aims to achieve self-sufficiency in food production to feed Africa by the same year.
  • Agriculture in Tanzania currently contributes nearly 30 percent of the country’s GDP and employs over three-quarters of the nation’s workforce..

The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) has achieved significant success over the last decade since its establishment in 2010. Tasked with promoting inclusive, sustainable, and viable agricultural value chains in southern Tanzania, the organization has notably enhanced agricultural productivity.

SAGCOT has established production clusters, including Ihemi, Mbarali, and Kilombero, in southern and Morogoro. Through these agricultural clusters, SAGCOT has successfully increased food production, developed value chains, and elevated household income for farmers.

“I am truly impressed with the work of the SAGCOT Centre Limited and its …

  • The Romania-Tanzania alliance is taking shape with President Iohannis signing two major trade MoUs with the African country.
  • This is part of Tanzania President Samia’s move to woo European investors to her country’s agriculture sector.
  • Romania-Tanzania ties seem to offer immediate gains with the European country assuring Dar es Salaam of food security even as the Ukraine-Russia war persists.

A fresh alliance, Romania-Tanzania, is taking shape, with the European country betting on the East African nation to grow its presence and influence on the continent significantly as it forges “strategic approaches to Africa.”

President Klaus Iohannis made the assertion during his recent visit to Tanzania. In a four-day state tour, he engaged with the government and investors in Tanzania’s mainland and the island of Zanzibar.

During his visit, at least two Romania-Tanzania agreements were signed by President Iohannis and his counterpart, Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan.

Romania-Tanzania strategic partnership

While the …

meat export Tanzania
  • President Samia strikes deal to increase volume of meat export to Saudi Arabia.
  • Tanzania meat export segment is often undermined by quality, which is attributable to pests and diseases, a challenge the nation seeks to fix by rolling out mass livestock vaccination campaign.
  • At least three Saudi Arabian companies plan to invest in Tanzania’s livestock, and fodder production sub-sectors.

Tanzania is rolling out livestock vaccination campaign as part of a raft of measures geared at enhancing the quality and volume of meat export. Although the East African nation boats of the third largest livestock herd in Africa, the quality of meat export is often hampered by persistent pests and diseases.

“We want every livestock keeper to vaccinate, and we will develop a specific vaccination schedule for each livestock disease,” said Livestock and Fisheries Minister Abdallah Ulega.

Policymakers in Tanzania seek to triple meat export by 2030 a goal that is …

Tanzania economy
  • Tanzania is significantly scaling up regional integration through cross-border trade.
  • The East African country is also banking on a rebound in the tourism industry with receipts doubling to $2.7 billion in February 2023.
  • Overall the number of investments powering Tanzania economy increased by 128 percent by February 2023.

Tanzania is poised to emerge as a premier investment destination not only in East Africa but across the entire continent, driven by its robust economic growth. The recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) report underscores this positive trajectory, indicating that the nation’s GDP is expected to grow from the current 5.2 per cent to an impressive 6.1 per cent next year.

Remarkably, Tanzania’s economy is resilient, overcoming the challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic that hindered growth in various regions. The World Bank’s economic overview for Tanzania reflects a notable GDP growth rate of 4.6 per cent in 2022, with expectations of …

President Samia Suluhu Hassan
  • Tanzania to sell government shares in parastatals to public.
  • President Samia decries loss-making parastatals, announces reforms.
  • The private sector is eager to learn which parastatals will sell shares.

Tanzanian government is taking bold steps to inject new life into its ailing parastatals by opening their doors to private sector investment. This strategic shift marks a departure from the government’s previous stronghold over these enterprises, aiming to rejuvenate their operations and stimulate economic growth.

President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s executive order to sell shares in public parastatals signals a transformative move towards reviving entities that have struggled to remain competitive.

The motivation behind the decision extends beyond economic growth—it echoes the vision of Tanzania’s founder, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, who envisioned these enterprises as assets owned by the people and the private sector.

Unleashing the Tanzania parastatals’ potential

By transferring ownership to the private sector, the government aims to foster public authority and …

samia pic
  • 71 LGAs paid $4.3 million (TZS10.08 billion) to various suppliers and clients without demanding receipts.
  • About $32.7 million in revenue from rental charges for shops and houses located at the council’s bus stands and markets was not collected.
  • Audit has prompted President Samia Suluhu Hassan to dissolve the board of Tanzania Government Flight Agency (TGFA).

An audit in Tanzania has exposed massive corruption and misuse of public finances across Local Government Authorities (LGAs) that led to the loss of billions of shillings, yet another pointer to why the country of nearly 65 million people still ranks high globally on corruption.

Tanzania Controller and Auditor General (CAG) 2021/22 report shows a total of 71 LGAs paid $4.3 million (TZS10.08 billion) to various suppliers and clients without demanding receipts while another 40 authorities wired $725,711 or TZS1.70 billion to beneficiaries without proof of the relevant supporting documents.

A total of $4.7 million …

As United Arab Emirates (UAE) places visa bans on 20 African countries, Tanzania president Samia strengthens ties with UAE. Photo/Pixwok

By agreeing to remove double taxation the countries also agree to remove barriers to bilateral investment and trade between one other. It is just as well because trade and investment between the two are growing.

Only recently the UAE renewable energy firm Masdar went into a deal with Tanzania to conduct several solar and wind power projects in the country.  Similarly, the Emirates also signed several trade financing agreements with a few countries in West Africa as the UAE makes its mark in global economic growth.

Qatar is only the latest of the United Arab Emirates that Tanzania is making trade and investment deals with. In February this year, Tanzania participated at the World Expo Dubai 2020 to promote its products and opportunities.…

Tanzania's first female President Samia Suluhu is commended for rebuilding investor confidence and fast tracking national development.
  • Tanzania President Samia is commended for rebuilding investor confidence
  • Tanzania now enjoying improved regional relations with EAC members
  • President Samia pushes to fast track Tanzania’s national development projects

From pushing Covid-19 vaccination campaigns to rebuilding investor confidence, Tanzania’s first female president, Samia Suluhu Hassan is making headlines as an economic focused president with a vision of prosperity.

If the recent visit by the African Development Bank Group (AFDB) President Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina is anything to go by, President Samia is positioning Tanzania to achieve its socio-economic development vision.

Ahead of her State tour to France and Belgium where she among other things attended the One Ocean Summit on global action against pollution of marine life, President Samia hosted the President of the African Development Bank Group, the lead African funding instrument.

The visit by AFDB President Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina was very symbolic and it among other things …