Browsing: technological advancements

Africa's agribusiness sector
  • Africa’s agribusiness sector is undergoing significant transformations driven by population growth, urbanisation, technological advancements, and shifting consumer preferences.
  • Alongside their role in stimulating economic growth, agribusiness and agro-industrial development have the potential to reduce poverty and foster social and economic growth. 
  • Technological advancements and digital transformations are revolutionising agribusiness in Africa, offering transformative opportunities.

Africa’s agribusiness sector potential

Agribusiness in Africa is undergoing significant transformations driven by population growth, urbanisation, technological advancements, and shifting consumer preferences. As a continent with abundant agricultural resources, Africa holds immense potential for agribusiness development.

African economic growth remains commodity-based, mainly on commodity exports, with minimal processing and value addition involved. To foster sustainable and inclusive growth and development in Africa, there is an urgent need to promote a new development approach based on exploiting the continent’s full agribusiness potential.

Some pressing issues call for a reorientation to support agribusiness and agro-industrial development, namely, poverty …

the orange economy | Africa's orange economy

According to John Howkins, the orange economy incorporates industries whose goods and services arise from intellectual property. These include research and development, radio and TV, visual and performing arts, publishing, advertising, music, software, gaming, design, film, crafts, architecture, fashion, and design. Artists, cultural non-profits, and creative businesses can produce and disseminate goods and services that generate jobs, revenue, and quality of life.…