Browsing: US Africa Relations

US-Angola diplomatic relations

As Angola President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço visits the White House on Thursday, November 30, the US is poised to strengthen a complex alliance developed during the past three decades of diplomatic ties between the two countries. Going beyond the usual protocol, this visit exemplifies the growing bond between two countries sharing common ideals with hope for a bright and safe future. …


Four African countries are staring at huge losses running into billions of dollars starting January 2024 following their expulsion from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The move will further worsen the unemployment crisis in the affected countries. Agoa offers thousands of jobs in apparels industry, especially to the youth.…

Kenya-US Relations
  • 4G Capital joins US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman on the US-Kenya Business Roadshow in San Francisco.
  • The Roadshow is an initiative with the US Government’s Prosper Africa programme.
  • Over the past decade, 4G Capital has disbursed loans exceeding $390 million to SMEs in Kenya and Uganda.

4G Capital, a pioneering neobank at the forefront of fostering micro and small business growth in Kenya and Uganda, has been selected as one of the companies to accompany US Ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, on the US-Kenya Business Roadshow.

This roadshow, is an initiative with the US Government’s Prosper Africa, is going down on September 15th at the Mission Bay Centre, San Francisco.

Ambassador Whitman, a former CEO of eBay and Hewlett Packard, aims to highlight the significant and burgeoning investment opportunities in Africa. The continent is poised for significant growth, with projections indicating that 25 per cent of the global …

Africa Climate Summit
  • Oil-rich UAE will provide $4.5 billion, drawing contributions from both the public and private sectors.
  • In Nairobi, the US has pledged an annual commitment of $3 billion to bolster climate adaptation initiatives.
  • The European Commission unveiled a €1 billion ($1.07 billion) fund designed to de-risk green bonds and attract private investments in emerging markets.

The US and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have stepped up their support for Africa’s climate action efforts with multi-billion-dollar pledges during the inaugural Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi.

The commitments come at a crucial time as Africa grapples with the severe impacts of industrial pollution, with 17 out of the 20 worst-affected countries calling the continent home.

US Unveils PREPARE: $3 Billion Annual Commitment

John Kerry, US Climate Envoy, unveiled President Joe Biden’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE), signaling Washington’s strong commitment to climate adaptation across countries. Under PREPARE, the US has pledged …

Wagner Group Russia Africa Summit Putin Niger
  • Africa is the new battlefront where Russia and the US are vying for prominence.
  • The battle is not new. During the Cold War, Russia and the US sought to expand their influence by supporting various African governments.
  • The outcome will determine not only the fortunes of the competing powers but also the trajectory of African nations.

In the vast expanse of Africa, a new chapter in geopolitical influence is being written, with Russia and the US vying for prominence. As the continent rises in global importance due to its resources, burgeoning markets, and strategic significance, the world powers are engaging in a multifaceted competition for the hearts, minds, and resources of African nations.

Historical echoes of Russia and US maneuvers

The geopolitical dance between Russia and the US in Africa is not entirely novel. During the Cold War, both powers sought to expand their influence by supporting various African governments, …

The United States' role in Africa's economic transformation

In recent years, Africa has emerged as a promising destination for global investment, with its vast natural resources, expanding consumer markets, and growing middle class. As the continent’s economies continue to strengthen and diversify, global players increasingly recognise the potential for mutually beneficial partnerships. The United States has significantly contributed to Africa’s economic transformation among these partners.…

Yellen's trip comes a month after the US-Africa summit in Washington, where the US President promised billions of dollars in investment, trade and development aid.
  • The United States has been working to increase its economic and political engagement with Africa in recent years.
  • Yellen arrived in Dakar, fresh off a nearly three-hour meeting with China’s vice premier Liu He.
  • The Biden administration is trying to counter China’s growing influence and infrastructure in the region by offering African countries an alternative path on economic and political security

US-Africa relations have been on the rise in recent years, and the recent visit by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to Senegal has further solidified the commitment of the United States to expand economic opportunities for all in Africa.

Yellen’s visit to Senegal, which took place on January 18, 2023, was a clear demonstration of the importance the United States places on its relationship with Africa. During her visit, Yellen met with young entrepreneurs and business leaders, and delivered a speech emphasizing the potential of Africa’s young entrepreneurs and …

The changing trajectories of USA-Africa ties.

The “New Scramble for Africa” is a term used to describe the increasing foreign presence and investment in Africa, especially in the resource-rich continent. This renewed focus on Africa has led to a renewed competition among various countries and global powers, including the United States, to secure access to Africa’s vast natural and economic resources.

A number of different factors, including the increasing demand for resources, the growth of African economies, and the global race for technological dominance has driven the new scramble for Africa. The United States has been particularly invested in this competition, seeing it as an opportunity to gain a strategic advantage in the global economy and geopolitics.

The United States has long been an important actor in the African continent, providing aid, military assistance, and economic investment. However, the US has recently become increasingly focused on securing access to the continent’s resources. This has been done …


Africa is a budding continent. A resource-rich continent with a young population and one of the highest growth rates. The continent has a 1.2 billion large market and an increasing middle to upper-middle class. Conflict is not as prominent as yesteryear, and though still trudging slowly, democracy is on the rise on the continent. 

The continental focus is on strengthening trade, improving infrastructure, health, and building on the past decade’s growth towards Agenda 2063. A part of Africa’s expansion is partnering through trade initiatives to overshadow the legacy of aid.  

mining sector zambia
Africa is rich in resources

The United States has been a part of pushing this agenda forward. Holders of the top job in America have, in one way or the other created an Africa-specific program in infrastructure, health, and other developmental programs. Programs that extend beyond aid like AGOA and ProSper Africa proved to be a step in the right