Browsing: Yoweri Museveni

Joseph Kony | The Exchange

The whereabouts of Joseph Kony, the infamous leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), remains one of the most enduring mysteries in international justice and African politics. Despite extensive efforts to capture him, Kony continues to evade justice, with his exact location a subject of much speculation and few definitive answers.…

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The UK is the biggest beneficiary of Africa's trade governance inefficiencies.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that British businesses would support Africa to flourish with the green industrial revolution. The irony of this is that the UK hosted COP26 in Glasgow last November. The outcomes were disappointing for Africa which suffers the brunt of climate change.
While partnerships are necessary for development, the type, objectives, and interests of the participants are critical elements in deciding the outcome. Africa’s interests have always come last.
The partnerships for development are essential to addressing Africa's development issues and trade growth. But there are too many conditions, usually. These include impositions in development cooperation for Africa.…

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The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is currently causing a significant adverse impact on the global economy occasioned by countries imposing measures to mitigate increasing cases and also sanctioning countries with more cases.

Governments around the world are implementing various fiscal measures to mitigate the adverse effect and provide relief for businesses and households. Across the Eastern African region, the impacts of COVID-19 are being felt in different ways and the measures taken by the respective governments have also differed on the areas of focus and comprehensiveness.

The third wave of coronavirus in Kenya saw President Uhuru Kenyatta issued a couple of measures restricting movement by locking the Capital city Nairobi and Neighboring counties as a one zoned area.

Also Read: Tanzanian Ambassadors Urged to Explore Markets for Tanzanian Products

Kenya’s decision to halt the movement of interstate buses across its border following a surge in Covid-19 cases has left many business …