Author: James Wambua

James Wambua is a seasoned business news editor specializing in various industries including energy, economics, and agriculture. With a comprehensive understanding of these industries across Africa, he excels in delivering accurate and insightful news coverage that keeps readers informed about key developments and trends.

Asylum Rwanda
  • A court of Appeal in the UK has termed unlawful the plan to deport thousands of asylum seekers to Rwanda.
  • Authorities in Kigali say Rwanda is one of the safest countries in the world.
  • British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is under increasing pressure to counter massive waves on immigrants landing on UK shores.

The ruling by UK Court of Appeal that Rwanda is not a safe country for asylum seekers has left authorities in Kigali angry after judges cast doubt on the East African Community member country’s security and ability to host people fleeing persecution from their homelands.

Putting refugees at risk

The UK government is accused of putting refugees at risk by deporting them to a nation that does not defend the rights or safety of political opponents. Authorities in Rwanda are, however, reacting angrily to the Court of Appeal’s decision.

Yolande Makolo, a spokeswoman for the Rwandan government, …

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Floods SA
  • Last year, about 90 percent of climate change-related disaster losses in Africa were not insured.
  • Global insurance broker Gallagher Re says affordability of premiums, quality of data, and technical capacity is hindering insurance uptake.
  • DRC has appointed Gallagher Re to find ways to enhance the country’s  insurance penetration rate in mining industry.

Climate change has led to an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts, and floods in many parts of Africa. These extreme weather events are resulting in significant damage to property, infrastructure, and livelihoods.

Flooding induced by climate change

Last year, for instance, at least 2,000 people died in Africa as a result of unprecedented flooding, which was partly induced by climate change. South Africa (Durban) and Nigeria were particularly hit hard following above-average rains in the year under focus.

Storm Issa, which is now regarded as one of the greatest storms …

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Luanda Oil and Gas
  • Angola’s oil and gas sector has been placed at the forefront of African energy investment.
  • Angola has regulatory reforms, infrastructure development, and exploration strategies in place.
  • Natural gas will play a crucial role in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions. Angola has 13.5 trillion cubic of natural gas.

Over the past 30 years, massive Angolan oil and gas reserves have steadily positioned the southern African country as a top destination for investors. Strong returns on investment from Angolan oil and gas are now attracting even more global market players. The country’s oil-rich acreage is paying great dividends.

Angolan oil and gas current production

The nation is currently ranked as the top oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa. Angola boasts of having confirmed reserves of 11 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and nine billion barrels of oil. The majority of these reserves are found in offshore fields, especially in the …

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Moscow Schools to start teaching Swahili this September.
  • At least four Moscow schools will teach Swahili and Amharic for children starting September 2023 as part of the new special program.
  • Historically, Russia was one of the countries where the African elite went to earn degrees. Calls for Russia and Africa to resume educational exchanges intensify.
  • Experts  also call for cooperation in agriculture, energy and investments between Russia and Africa.

Next time you land in Moscow, do not be surprised to if you come across common Swahili greetings such as “Jambo” (Hello), “Habari” (How are you?), and “Asante” (Thank you) as you transact across Russia.

Swahili is a language spoken by millions of people in East Africa, particularly in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is also the official language of the East African Community. Swahili ranks among the top 10 widely spoken language with about 200 million people using it.

According to …

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Tencent Cloud Technologies.
  • The cloud business unit of China’s tech giant Tencent is seeing a huge opportunity for growth in the Middle East region.
  • At the moment, Gulf states are committing capital and policy support behind the vision of 4IR-driven economies.
  • Tencent Cloud is offering a cloud-based platform for developing and distributing lightweight applications—mini-apps framework—within a digital ecosystem.

With the ambitious development of smart cities and other tech-based industries across the Middle East, the cloud business unit of China’s tech giant Tencent is seeing a huge opportunity for growth in the region.

Whether it is fintech applications based on the blockchain, vertical farms that use less water to grow food, or the manufacture of high-end electric and self-driving vehicles, Gulf states are committing capital and policy support behind the vision of 4IR-driven economies.

UAE has launched a digital economy

The UAE itself is at the forefront of the adoption of technology. With a …

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Arab-China Unicorn Conclave
  • Unicorns can play a huge role in promoting urban connectivity and creating jobs.
  • The Arab-China conclave served as a platform to discuss the global economic outlook and sustainable development.
  • Conclave is an opportunity to forge new connections, and open up fresh investment opportunities.

The 12th edition of the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) hosted Top 50 Unicorns from China. The forum brought together investors, startups, and innovators from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and China.

It marked an opening ceremony for ‘Arab China Unicorn Investment Conclave by HE Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, the UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade. It also saw the esteemed presence of Dr. Wissam Fattouh, Secretary General Union of Arab Banks and Mariam Gao, General Secretary of Arab China Unicorn Investment Conclave.

HE Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi said the “conclave gathers startups and unicorn companies that represent the future of …

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A panel discussion on AfCFTA.
  • By enhancing intra-African trade, AfCFTA estimates that the continent with gain $195 billion by 2045.
  • These gains are projected to be mainly realised in industry, services, agrifood, and energy sectors.
  • By collaborating under AfCFTA, countries can greatly boost regional supply chains for the global electric vehicles market.

African countries need to embrace a set of reforms critical in driving Africa's free trade plan, AfCFTA. The call comes even as more African leaders sign the agreement on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

AfCFTA has the potential to transform regional trade and thereby lift billions of livelihoods in Africa out of poverty. To realise these benefits however African leaders need to go beyond blueprints.

"It is not for lack of blueprints that Africa has not structurally transformed," United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Secretary-General Antonio Pedro said.

Mr Pedro was speaking at the Africa Regional Forum by UNECA on…

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  • DR Congo’s top government officials woo UAE investors at the Annual Investment Meeting 2023 in Abu Dhabi.
  • From mining to agriculture to energy DR Congo is the global centre of billion-dollar focus sectors.
  • In February 2022, logistics giant DP World started the construction of Banana Port, near Kinshasa.

DR Congo is inviting investors from the United Arab Emirates to bet big on the country’s vast investment opportunities. From mining to agriculture and fishing, to health, DR Congo is the global centre of billion-dollar focus sectors. DRC is the second-largest country in Africa with vast deposits of natural resources.

Speaking at the ongoing Annual Investment Meeting 2023 in Abu Dhabi, top government officials from DR Congo said the country’s ongoing legal and tax reforms are making the country ready for business.

The Annual Investment Meeting has attracted participants from 170 countries for its 12th edition in Abu Dhabi city, UAE.

At …

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Mensha Ventures Asian Development & Investment Bank (ADIB)
  • The primary objective of this partnership is to bolster the UAE’s sustainable capabilities and capacity.
  • The company also signed a MoU with Asian Development & Investment Bank (ADIB) to launch their new Green Tech Fund.
  • Mensha Ventures and the Asian Development & Investment Bank (ADIB) signed an MoU to launch their new Green Tech Fund.

UAE’s Mensha Ventures has entered into an agreement with partners from China to jointly invest $1 billion in green energy.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed on the sidelines of Annual Investment Meeting 2023 in Abu Dhabi.

The partnership that brings together the Asia Development and Investment Bank, Hoover Investment Group and Shenzhen Sinomaster Investment Group (SMT).

By investing $1 billion in UAEs green capabilities, the initiative is billed to accelerate the country’s transition to clean energy.

The primary objective of the partnership is to bolster UAE’s sustainable capabilities in developing green energy infrastructure projects.…

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Annual Investment Meeting 2023
  • Policymakers and business leaders hold panel discussions.
  • Leaders share experiences and expertise focusing on the current economic conditions.
  • UAE capital city Abu Dhabi has solidified its position as a global hub for business growth.

Top government officials and business leaders from 170 countries are meeting in Abu Dhabi, UAE, for the Annual Investment Meeting 2023. The three-day forum, which is a premier platform for international investors, opened on Tuesday, May 8th.

The 2023 edition is bringing together top corporate leaders, government executives, decision-makers, and policymakers to explore untapped business opportunities globally.

The forum, which is under the theme “Investment Paradigm Shift: Future Investment Opportunities to Foster Sustainable Economic Growth, Diversity, and Prosperity,” is being held in Abu Dhabi city for the first time.

The first day was largely on several sessions of keynote speeches and panel discussions bringing together top policymakers and business leaders.

Leaders shared their experiences and …

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