Browsing: Bank of Tanzania

IMF Loan to Tanzania ; Tanzania economy ; Tanzania GDP
  • Tanzania’s economic reform program is progressing well in a challenging global economic environment and the authorities remain committed to IMF’s loan plan.
  • Ongoing reforms in the country touch on strengthening the economic recovery, preserving macroeconomic stability, and supporting structural reforms toward sustainable and inclusive growth.
  • Tanzania’s three-year Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for total access of about $1,046.4 million at the time of program approval received the greenlight on July 18, 2022

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has given Tanzania’s economy a shot in the arm by furnishing the country with $153 million loan, bringing to around $304.7 million, the amount received so far under the lender’s extended credit arrangement struck in July last year.

The loan will be channeled towards economic recovery, preserving macro-financial stability, and promoting sustainable and inclusive growth.

IMF argued that reforms centre on strengthening fiscal space to allow for much-needed social spending and high-yield public investment, …

Best Bank in Tanzania

Banking in Tanzania is taking a different shape and form as competitive banks such as CRDB Bank begin injecting serious resources to transform banking and businesses.

Banks are now offering a rather creative element of financial services. Agents, ATMs, mobile and internet banking are transforming how people exercise financial services while bringing the gap between the banked and unbanked population. (

  • Global Finance has recently awarded CRDB Bank best bank in the country.
  • CRDB Bank is the first bank in Tanzania to be rated by Moody Investor Services.
  • CRDB Bank singlehandedly becomes the first bank in the country to have pulled a successful deal of raising funds from international markets.

From that standpoint, CRDB Bank is working tirelessly to play its part in improving the welfare of small and medium-sized businesses by offering them realistic and creative banking services that lead as an example for other banks in …

Tanzania Commercial City Dar es Salaam AIRShare

Thanks to the credit extended by BoT, the private sector credit maintained a strong recovery pace, recording an annual growth of 10 per cent, the same as in the preceding month, and significantly higher than the 2.6 per cent recorded in January 2021.

The central bank report noted that accommodative monetary policy had catapulted good performance of the sector. Money supply growth was strong in January 2022 and consistent with the target of 10 per cent for 2021/2022.

“Extended broad money supply (M3) grew at an annual rate of 14.9 per cent compared with 15.5 per cent in the preceding month.”

The review unequivocally pointed out that the growth rate was more than twofold of the outturn in the corresponding period in 2021.…

Tanzania Commercial City Dar es Salaam AIRShare

According to the review, money supply to accommodative monetary policy measures and supportive fiscal policy during the first half of 2021/2022.

Tanzania is a nation whose economy is driven by the healthy participation of the private sector, the sector fair well amid slow times.

Credit to the private sector grew by 5.9 per cent compared with an average of 5.1 per cent from July to December 2020.…

hazard 5
  • Tanzania managed to attract Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) totaling 2.9 billion US Dollars in five months between March and August.
  • Tanzania’s total foreign reserves reached a historical high, sailing well above the regional benchmarks.
  • The central bank attributed the reserve increase to exports of goods and services that increased by 6,1 percent.

During the tumultuous period, of Covid-19 Tanzania’s economy largely operated under the premise of business as usual. Despite this approach, the country was less confronted with an unavoidable slowdown in some of its key sectors but not all may be tourism got its fair share of the effect of Covid-19, which resulted to the slowdowns in the economies of its key trading partners.

In May 2020, when many countries in the region were starting to realize the full extent of the short- to mid-term economic crisis associated with Covid-19, the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Tanzania …

The Bank of Tanzania. Its September economic review report show the country's modest growth. [Photo/BoT_Pan African Visions.jpg]

As the world and the East African region continue to recover from different kinds of economic shocks triggered by Covid-19, inflation in Tanzania has also taken different turns. According to the review, in August 2021, twelve-month inflation remained at 3.8 per cent, which is noted to be the same, as the last month.

On the other side of the fence, the review showed that core inflation—of which its index calls of the largest share in consumer price index (CPI), rose to 4.5 per cent in August 2021 from 4.1 per cent in July 2021, this is attributed to the increase in transport costs, “reflecting an upward shift in fuel prices”.

Things seemed to work better in food inflation, whereby annual food inflation—excluding alcoholic beverages, slimmed down to 3.6 per cent from 5.1 per cent, the review argues that this is due to a decrease in prices of maize and maize …

Tanzania Commercial City Dar es Salaam AIRShare
  • Energy, fuel, and utility inflation increased to 5.1 per cent in August 2021 from 3.6 per cent in July 2021
  • 12-month inflation remained at 3.8 per cent which is the same rate as the previous month
  • Interest rates charged on loans by banks remained unchanged

The Tanzania Central Bank (BoT) released the monthly economic review last week, which breaks down the performance of different economic sectors, of which most portions of the economy portrayed modest performance.


The report showed that, in August 2021, twelve-month inflation remained at 3.8 per cent which is the same rate as the previous month, and below the country target of 5 per cent in 2021/2022.

Further, on that line, core inflation which BoT argues, is the index accounts for the largest share in consumer price index (CPI), increased to 4.5 per cent in August 2021 from 4.1 per cent in July 2021—this is attributed

Tanzania Commercial City Dar es Salaam AIRShare

The central bank of Tanzania (BoT) has painted the state of the economy on a different canvas. 

BoT’s economic bulletin for the quarter ending June 2021 and the monthly economic review for July 2021 indicates Tanzania has been on a very promising trajectory for the past two years, shown by its dedication towards building a resilient industrial economy and self-reliance through steady ownership and control of natural wealth. 

According to the BoT, in the quarter ending March 2021, the economy grew by 4.9 per cent compared with 5.9 per cent in the corresponding quarter in 2020 and four sectors were noted to have contributed greatly, namely construction, transport, agriculture and storage. 

Former hotbed sectors and speedy forex contributors such as accommodation and restaurants were gravely impacted by the pandemic, slapping a -1.7 per cent performance for 2021. 

By the end of March 2021, the growth and expansion of telecom in

Bank of Tanzania economy report

The central bank of Tanzania (BoT) released the monthly economic review report on Wednesday, August 2021. The report brought various in-depth details on the performance of the life-pumping sectors of the economy in Tanzania, including exports, imports, and money supply.


Tanzania has managed to sustain the inflation to a considerate level over the past month; hence in the recent report, the East African country has continued to keep the inflation on a low level and within the benchmarks set forth at national and regional levels.

The report argued that this is attributed to sufficient domestic food supply, stable exchange rate, and prudent fiscal and monetary policies.

“Twelve-month headline inflation increased to 3.6 per cent from 3.2 per cent recorded in the corresponding period in 2020 and 3.3 per cent recorded in May 2021. The increase was mainly attributed to an increase in prices of non-food items”, the Bank of …

A Cellulant Tingg neighbourhood banking kiosk in Nigeria. Cellulant has integrated into the World Economic Forum.

SMEs have been significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic with its attendant lockdowns and disruptions to supply chains, plummeting sales, lost revenue and operational challenges. In response, Ecobank through its Commercial Banking Segment is helping business owners close the digital skills gap within their chosen fields and improve the digital capabilities of their employees. 

Josephine Anan-Ankomah, Group Executive, Commercial Banking for the Ecobank Group says that the pandemic has turbocharged the shift towards digital. She adds that it is essential that businesses adapt so that they are able to compete effectively in today’s rapidly changing landscape.…