Browsing: Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme

Nigeria lagos

The state government of Lagos will launch a five-year Agriculture Development Roadmap in line with its mission development agenda Strategy on Thursday April 22, 2021.

Explaining this to the media Ms. Abisola Olusanya the State Commissioner for Agriculture in Lagos said that the Roadmap will steer their goals and help the State achieve its goal of making Lagos a 21st Century Economy.

The Roadmap will focus on the development of agricultural value chains where the State has competitive and comparative advantages of ensuring that the State attains its food security goals.

“I am delighted to address you today and avail you of the forthcoming launch of the five-year Agricultural Development Roadmap for the Ministry which is slated for launch by the State Governor, Mr. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu next week Thursday.

This bold step which will be taken by the Governor Babajide Sanwo-olu-led Lagos State government to launch a five-year …

Preparing a field for planting using a tractor. Africa should embrace mechanisation which includes irrigation systems, food processing and related technologies and equipment to increase agricultural productivity.

Until early 2019, Omar al-Bashir was the President of Sudan after holding the position from June 30, 1989, to April 11, 2019.

For the three decades he was president, the country had not witnessed an uprising over food in the scale as huge, and widespread until 2018 when the country erupted in violence over the price of bread.

So dire was the need for bread which was unavailable that people could go for days without bread. Not because they could not afford it but because it was simply not there. (

Read: Will digital agriculture bring economic development to Africa?

This scenario sounds like a scene from a movie but it is the reality facing many African countries.

The lack of food is getting worse every passing year due to several factors including poor seeds and the ravaging effects of climate change and soil degradation. With the continent …