Browsing: Internet of Things

Smart Water Meters to be deployed as Safaricom partners with KEWI

Safaricom has partnered with the Kenya Water Institute (KEWI) to deploy Smart Water System in the water sector. Through the partnership, Safaricom will deploy the system at the KEWI’s Nairobi and Kitui campuses to facilitate practical training. The giant telco will additionally co-create and run a Smart Water Management curriculum for students at the institution.…

Technology Trends to shape Africa in 2023

The African technology landscape is speedily evolving pertinently defying history in its swift adoption of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies (4IR), given that the continent was marginalized during the previous three industrial revolutions. Several countries in the continent have already established their Centers for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR), with the most recent being Rwanda in mid-2022; as it pursues an economic model founded on technology akin to the the Asian Tigers’ pertinently Singapore.

Some technology trends that will shape Africa in 2023 include:

  • Metaverse

The Metaverse will be among the key technologies that will continue to shape Africa’s tech scene. The Metaverse refers to a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment, together with other users. Businesses and individuals are predicted to continue exploring this digital environment and consider how they can leverage on its opportunities, to create immersive and efficient experiences to consumers. This …

Intelligent packaging: Africa adopting blockchain and AI technology to end the plastic waste menace.

According to the Future Market Insights report, around 9.2 billion tonnes of plastic have been manufactured globally, out of which only 9 per cent is recycled!

The technology helps to protect manufacturers and consumers against food and drug counterfeits. 

 With the plastic waste menace causing unprecedented damage globally, there has been an ongoing movement to discover and use alternative packaging materials, such as paper, glass, and metals.

The dilemma facing the world right now is that even the processes of creating plastic-free solutions often release more significant carbon emissions than conventional plastics.…
  • Safaricom has rolled out a campaign to offer technological solutions for enterprise and the public sector
  • The company said it is seeking to leverage its connectivity and experience to venture into the technology space by expanding its tech solutions in the areas of digital business
  • Safaricom is banking on its recent efforts to enable it to play a bigger role in digitising and transforming businesses in various sectors, including education, health and manufacturing

Safaricom has rolled out a campaign to position tech solutions for enterprise and public sector customers.

The Kenya-based telco said it is seeking to leverage its connectivity and experience to venture into the technology space by expanding its tech solutions.

The expansion is in the areas of digital business through cloud computing, cyber security and the internet of things (IoT) underpinned by IT consulting services.

Besides reinforcing its new business strategy to become a technology company, the …

How disruptive technologies are impacting HR services

By Emmanuel Mutuma

The recruitment industry has completely evolved over the past 20 years. New technologies have transformed the way employers recruit and manage talent. From paper CVs to job boards, applicant tracking systems and online assessments, a lot has changed over the years.

While advancements in technology have offered some solutions to challenges that employers faced a decade ago, the industry is ever-evolving and recruiters today are dealing with new challenges when hiring the best talent. It cannot be gainsaid that all top companies struggle to get their workforce planning correct, not knowing when to ‘buy, borrow, build or bind’ the skill.

This can be very costly, from time, money and emotional perspectives. Studies show that a wrong hire, rushed recruitment, or the exit of a high-performing employee costs an organisation three times the annual salary of that position on average. This is a terrifying expense. Recruiters must, therefore, …

As Africa turns on more IoT devices, a million attacks abound

Kaspersky honeypots – networks of virtual copies of various internet-connected devices and applications – have detected 105 million attacks on IoT devices coming from 276,000 unique IP addresses in the first six months of the year.

This figure is around nine times more than the number found in H1 2018, when only around 12 million attacks were spotted originating from 69,000 IP addresses. Capitalising on weak security of IoT products, cybercriminals are intensifying their attempts to create and monetise IoT botnets. This and other findings are a part of the ‘IoT: a malware story’ report on honeypot activity in H1 2019.

Cyberattacks on IoT devices are booming, as even though more and more people and organisations are purchasing ‘smart’ (network-connected and interactive) devices, such as routers or DVR security cameras, not everybody considers them worth protecting.

Cybercriminals, however, are seeing more and more financial opportunities in exploiting such gadgets. They …

Ndungu Kahindo DD Joe Kanyua SAP 3 1280x853

Dimension Data Solutions Ltd & SAP has announced a strategic partnership in the East Africa that will give customers the ability to leverage intelligent enterprise solutions localised for the African market that can be integrated with SAP solutions


Africa is welcoming a new dawn in adoption of technologies that are making the continent remain relevant among other global peers. These technologies are guided by evolving needs of consumers which dictate that a the need to integrate technology in all aspects of their life. Such technologies include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT).

Dimension Data, a USD 8 billion global technology systems integrator and managed services provider is seeking such integration through global partnerships steered at making the African tech user safe and efficient. This is also guided by the desire to tap into the strengths of different players in the industry to offer holistic IT solutions.

Such …