Browsing: President Samia Suluhu

resilience and sustainability
  • The IMF says latest tranche is meant to finance “general national development efforts.”
  • When the entire Extended Credit Facility ECF is disbursed, Tanzania will be eligible to receive in excess of $304.7 million.
  • Tanzania faulted for not publishing audit report of its Covid-19 pandemic-related spending.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved $153 million in credit financing for Tanzania. The loan, however, comes with a tough call for enhanced monitoring and transparency in public spending.

This financing is only the first part of the loan that was issued following the completion of the first part of the country’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF) review. When the full ECF is completed, Tanzania will be eligible to receive in excess of 4. ( 7 million.

What is the loan for? According to the public statement released after the deal was signed earlier this month, the money is meant to finance “general …

Kenya and Tanzania economic gains from friendly diplomatic relations.
  •  The current president of Tanzania is actively pursuing a foreign policy distinct from the one pursued by the late Magufuli, who served as president before her.
  • Kenya and Tanzania agreed to boost their bilateral ties during the visit of President Samia, marking the conclusion of a challenging chapter marked by trade barriers and border tension.
  • One year after President Samia Suluhu took office, a “softening” of Tanzania’s borders with Kenya, a reduction in non-tariff hurdles, and resolution to bilateral issues have resulted in higher commercial growth in both countries.

Previously strained relations between Kenya and Tanzania

Owing to their strained relationship, Kenya and Tanzania have not realized their goals of establishing a free trade zone for many years. The problems originated from several sources, including the closing of borders, the restriction of collaboration and the free movement of goods and services, the introduction of additional taxes, and the

Tanzania President Samia Suluhu (R) and US Vice President Kamala Harris. Uber has closed down its Tanzania operations even as Suluhu and Harris are meeting tomorrow.

Uber has closed down Tanzania operations even as President Samia Suluhu is in the United States on a trip that, according to Joe Biden administration officials, is focused on business and investments.

The Tanzanian president is meeting US Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday in Washington.

During the talks with VP Harris at the White House, Suluhu is expected to focus on commercial and economic partnerships and health issues among other matters.

Liquefied natural gas in Tanzania is expected to attract investments of US$40 billion at a time when the world is seeking to reduce dependence on Russian energy.…

The Central Bank of Tanzania (BoT) is planning in creating its own digital currency. This is not the first time Tanzania has expressed interest in a digital currency.

Since Tanzania is still conducting research on cryptocurrencies, rules to govern the sector will be issued after research on crypto is complete. Currently, Tanzania has no regulations for cryptocurrencies and those trading in the sector have been urged to be cautious.
However, there is no timeframe for when regulations will be issued.
In June, President Suluhu asked the country’s financial leaders to prepare for crypto and blockchain as the country drops its conservatism and flies its doors open to the new era of digital currency.…

freedom pic

Just a few days after being sworn in as Tanzania’s sixth President, Samia Suluhu Hassan has continued to prove wrong those who might have doubted her leadership.

Days after taking over power following the demise of Tanzania’s fifth President John Pombe Magufuli, President Samia Suluhu suspended the Director of the country’s port authority over massive embezzlement of public funds.

Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) Director-General Deusdedit Kakoko was adversely mentioned in the report of the Controller and Audit -General(CAG).

Suluhu had vowed to continue the strict legacy of former president Magufuli who had zero tolerance towards corruption, incompetence among other shortcomings.

The course of action toward Covid-19

Speaking while swearing in permanent secretaries and deputy permanent secretaries …

Zahur Ramji Magufuli

The late Magufuli is celebrated and mourned across the East African Community which has also joined hands with Tanzania to remember his legacy—which extended from his fight against corruption and the misuse of public resources to his diplomatic relations, forged across the landscape through several regional communities—where on numerous occasions he had declared that ‘we are unified as one’. 

Magufuli was a stern advocate of hard work for economic excellence. His voice on this matter was as strong as his willpower. Throughout his unfinished tenure, he had demonstrated how Tanzania can transform its natural wealth and utilize domestic tax collections to fuel development projects. …