Browsing: Electricity Africa

Mission 300 renewable energy in Africa
  • Denmark, the UK, Spain and France have announced their contributions to the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa.
  • Another new donor–Japan–joined in December 2024 with a $5M contribution.
  • Also joining the list of donors is SEFA, which is a multi-donor Special Fund that provides catalytic finance to unlock private sector investments.

The race to light up millions of homes in Africa under Mission 300 initiative has received a shot in the arm after a number of countries including Denmark, the United Kingdom, Spain and France have announced their contributions to the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa. Another new donor–Japan–joined in December 2024 with a $5 million contribution under AGIA.

Also joining the list of donors is SEFA, which is a multi-donor Special Fund that provides catalytic finance to unlock private sector investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

SEFA aims to contribute to universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, …