Browsing: GIZ

On September 17th, Tanzania via Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) and Germany (German Corporation for International Cooperation -GIZ) have entered into an agreement in amending Tanzanian graduates’ employability via a special project named: Employment for Development.

The boost comes forth to advance youth socio-economic potentials in developing their respective economies and the nation at large. This is reflected in the context of high rates of annual graduates versus available positions in the formal sector.

Available data show, over 900,000 youth enter the job market per year in Tanzania, but only 50,000 to 60,000 formal sector jobs are created yearly. Leaving rather many graduates unemployed, this goes along with the unemployment rate in Tanzania which stands at 9.7 per cent.

The project is specifically focused on seeking various opportunities and job skills demands, existing among various investors, within the Southern regions of Tanzania, and offer graduates with necessary skill-sets …