Browsing: Tanzania GDP 2023

IMF Loan to Tanzania ; Tanzania economy ; Tanzania GDP
  • Tanzania’s economic reform program is progressing well in a challenging global economic environment and the authorities remain committed to IMF’s loan plan.
  • Ongoing reforms in the country touch on strengthening the economic recovery, preserving macroeconomic stability, and supporting structural reforms toward sustainable and inclusive growth.
  • Tanzania’s three-year Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for total access of about $1,046.4 million at the time of program approval received the greenlight on July 18, 2022

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has given Tanzania’s economy a shot in the arm by furnishing the country with $153 million loan, bringing to around $304.7 million, the amount received so far under the lender’s extended credit arrangement struck in July last year.

The loan will be channeled towards economic recovery, preserving macro-financial stability, and promoting sustainable and inclusive growth.

IMF argued that reforms centre on strengthening fiscal space to allow for much-needed social spending and high-yield public investment, …