Saturday, July 27


mozambique 1
  • Mozambique showcases a new visa program to allow visitors a 90-day stay upon entry
  • The travel and tourism industry’s overall contribution to Mozambique’s gross domestic product in 2019 was 6.2%, but that number dropped to 3.4% in 2020.
  • In 2021, Tourism receipts counted for nearly $700 million, accounting for approx. 4.1% of total GDP (according to World Travel and Tourism Council)

After the first publication of a stimulus package consisting of twenty measures at the beginning of August, Mozambique made an announcement regarding one of the first measures to be put into action: a reformed Visa system.

Mozambique’s Council of Ministers made the announcement that it had approved amendments that are anticipated to have an impact on both tourism and international investments.

Visitors to Mozambique will now be able to stay in the country for a total of 90 days, up from the previous maximum of 30 days. This change …

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Energy Resources across Africa.Source Research Gate Oghomwen Igbinovia

As Africa’s role in the global economy continues to garner prominence, it’s imperative for the continent to seal the gaping hole in its power supply.

Lack of universal power access remains a major roadblock that has retrogressed industrialization and socio-economic development. Statistics from the World Bank indicate that Africa remains the least electrified region in the world, with 568 million people lacking access to electricity.

The Bretton Woods institution, further notes that the Sub-Saharan Africa’s share of the global population without electricity, jumped to 77 per cent in 2020 from 71 per cent in 2018, whilst most regions saw declines in their share of access deficits. It has become a Hobson’s choice for African governments to prioritize the power sector, which is the epicenter of industrialization, working towards Goal 7 of the UN SDGs; which advocates for universal access to affordable, reliable and modern electricity services.

Currently, Africa’s power is …

mozambique economy (

Last March the IMF and Mozambique announced they’ve reached a staff-level agreement on a US $470M facility marking the fund’s much-anticipated return to the country.

At the same time, a set of measures were presented in line with the upcoming new program including the approval of a sovereign wealth fund legislation, fiscal & governance reforms, and the publication of a report on the management of funds the country received from donors as part of its COVID emergency response.

covid response mozambique health (

In line with the announcements, the Ministry of Finance has published today (document in Portuguese) a report showing that at the beginning of the pandemic, the country forecasted a total need of US$700M in order to mitigate the effects of the crisis. The document refers to US6,5M in funds deployed in the 2020 fiscal year received from the IMF, the AfDB, the European Union, the US government, the Islamic Bank, …

Nacala Port in Mozambique - The Exchange

The logistic Northern Development Corridor is definitely the most challenging of the three logistics corridors that Mozambique holds (Maputo, Beira and Nacala).

Because it is a bi-national concession management project, manages two ports in one country and two railway systems in two different countries, multimodal transport and cargo handling, all in a huge geographic area, among many others challenges. Being today the preferred export gateway of coal from Tete (Mozambique), Nacala port is preparing itself for the future materializing its potential into concrete actions. And the future looks exciting.

The Minister of Transport and Communications, Carlos Mesquita, quoted yesterday by the daily Notícias, said that the concessionaire of the Port of Nacala (CDN) will invest 10 million dollars in the construction of a bulk grain terminal. The infrastructure will have a discharge capacity of 300 tons per hour and storage of 40,000 tons, as well as packaging facilities. The second …

NAS launch cargo services - The Exchange

Emerging markets aviation services provider National Aviation Services says it will offer comprehensive ground handling and cargo services in Mozambique from July.

This will cover ramp, passenger and engineering services and include check-in, boarding, ramp handling, maintenance, cleaning as well as import and export cargo handling and storage for scheduled and ad-hoc airlines at all airports in Mozambique.

“Airline traffic is growing steadily in Mozambique. Coupled with the developing oil and gas, and mining sectors, there is a huge demand for air transport related goods and services for both cargo and passenger operations,” group CEO Hassan El Houry said in a statement.

“This requires heavy investment in the latest equipment, technologies and processes at the different airports in Mozambique, all of which NAS can provide easily. We look forward to utilizing our global experience and expertise to modernize operations and drive efficiency using the latest technologies and operational practices.”


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