Browsing: natural gas

hazard 2
  • Calls for monetizing natural gas dominated the just concluded Africa Energy Week 2021 in South Africa.
  • AEW 2021 is committed to driving energy sector growth as well as the transition to cleaner sources of fuel.

The African Energy Week 2021 emphasized the role of natural gas in Africa and provided African stakeholders with the opportunity to not only engage in but drove the conversation on natural gas in Africa’s energy future.

Investors and leaders drawn from different parts of the continent campaigned for this noble venture to the respective countries saying that Africa’s natural gas resources potentially can accelerate socio-economic growth and eradicate energy poverty.

Accordingly, many nations are seeking enhanced investment to maximize and monetize resources. As the continent’s premier energy event, African Energy Week (AEW) 2021, aims to build on this momentum, promoting innovative strategies to monetization, addressing challenges hindering development, and charting a way forward for the …



After major reforms that rocked its mineral and energy sectors less than a decade ago, mineral and energy-rich Tanzania is again doing an overhaul of the two sectors, this time not to short leash investors but rather, to ‘rebuild broken bridges.’

A key area that is slotted for a facelift is the very lucrative Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) sector which the country’s new Energy Minister January Makamba shortlisted as a sector of much interest that is yet to meet its full potential.

The sector minister was firm, change is coming to the sector and since charity begins at home, for starters, the board of the country’s government-owned power supply monopoly the Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (Tanesco) has been ‘gassed out’ and a new board brought in to breathe fresh air to the ailing entity.

Announcing the new board mid this month, the minister said; “We just started with Tanesco …

Millard Ayo

East Africa’s most close trade partners, Kenya and Tanzania have resuscitated their relationship, as President Samia Suluhu Hassan and Uhuru Kenyatta improve their relations by tying new deals to the table.

This new dawn comes as President Samia executes her strategic state visit in Kenya since the last visit made by her predecessor the late President John Magufuli in 2016.

According to information from The Citizen, the two neighboring countries agreed on fortifying trade and economic relations and “re-energize the joint commission on cooperation”.

The central bank of Tanzania (BoT) and Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) data show that Tanzania’s trade with Kenya registered a deficit of $35.8 million in 2018, which is less than a surplus of $90.2 million in 2017.

Further, Tanzania and Kenya agreed on building cooperation in fruitful economic sectors, tourism, transport, and logistics, and arise plans to build a natural gas pipeline between Dar es Salaam …

Mozambique WeTracker

It is a sad day for Africa and Mozambique as Total SE the French energy company seal its $20 billion liquified natural gas (LNG) project in the security risk country rich in natural gas reserves, according to information from Total.

“Considering the evolution of the security situation in the north of the Cabo Delgado province in Mozambique, Total confirms the withdrawal of all Mozambique LNG project personnel from the Afungi site. This situation leads Total, as operator of Mozambique LNG project, to declare force majeure,” Total statement reads in part.

Mozambique as one of the few countries with natural gas reserves has been ravaged by frequent attacks executed by Islamic insurgents in Cabo Delgado province.

READ:Mozambique gas: Amid conflict, harmony gazes at Tanzania 

Various media sources, including Aljazeera, reported that the project has been stopped indefinitely due to an escalation of violence in the areas with LNG projects.

“The …

Natural Gas ESI Africa

Mozambique—another African country endowed with plenty of natural gas reserves holding 100 trillion cubic feet (Tcf), has suffered another blow within the lucrative industry as security concerns forced French oil and gas giant company Total to postpone its work at a liquified natural gas (LNG) project in the country.

Internal conflicts have been occurring in Mozambique rather often. On March 27 Jihadis seized a town and allegedly attacked a convoy of fleeing civilians, which includes foreign workers, as fighting continued (Further Africa).

According to various media sources, including BBC, dozens of people are dead following an attack by Islamist militants on a town in northern Mozambique (Palma), where the LNG project is underway.

READ:Total’s Mayotte base not a threat to Mozambique’s Oil and Gas ambitions

According to information from Reuters, on Saturday Total said that none of the LNG project workers was among the victims.

However, according to BBC …

plant spark metal flame fire industrial 1235829

A healthy manufacturing sector is a fundamental path to economic growth and development. It is key in creating employment as it absorbs the unemployed population into productive decent paying jobs that help improve their standards of living. Historical evidence shows how industrialisation has transformed countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany and most recently, China, by growing their economies tremendously and earning them amongst the best performing economies in the world. According to the Global Manufacturing Competitive Index, South Africa, Egypt and Nigeria are leading in the evolution of manufacturing in Africa, while Ethiopia and Morocco are following closely behind; all of them have adopted policies that promote manufacturing development. …

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Israel starts exporting natural gas to Egypt

Israel began exporting natural gas to Egypt on Wednesday being one of the most important deals the countries have been signed since they made peace decades ago.

Dolphinus Holdings, a private firm in Egypt will purchase 85 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas, worth an estimated $19.5 billion, from Israel’s Leviathan and Tamar offshore fields over 15 years.

Yossi Abu, CEO of Israel’s Delek Drilling, one of the partners in Leviathan and Tamar, said the landmark arrangement “marks a new era in the Middle East energy sector.”

two Egyptian industry sources said that Israel will initially export 200 million cubic feet of gas per day to Egypt,
According to Delek, by the second half of 2022 gas from Leviathon will be supplied to Dolphinus at a rate of 2.1 billion cubic meters per year, increasing to 4.7 billion cubic meters per year.

Also Read:Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan set for

Tanzania’s natural gas prices are set to be reviewed by the Ministry of Energy as the sector undergoes a major face-lift to improve taxation and revenue collectiong.

Under the leadership of President John Pombe Magufuli, Tanzania’s extractives sector has been undergoing a major overhaul to improve taxation and revenue collection within contractual agreements concomitant to the resources extracted from the country.  These are measures necessary for a Tanzanian oil and gas success story.

According to Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), natural gas exploration has been carried out since the 1950s, but it was in 1974 that gas discovery was made in Songo Songo Island.

The discovery made Tanzania known globally as a natural gas-rich nation in the region, which in return sparked interest for the nation to take its first steps to formalize the industry, including the birth of TPDC in 1973 and the enactment of the Petroleum (Exploration and …